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Reflexivity, entrapment and exercises of imagination in research 
Sara Riva (CSIC-University of Queensland)
Otto Wolf (University of Portsmouth)
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Elisa Floristán (Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM))
9 University Square (UQ), 01/006
Tuesday 26 July, -
Time zone: Europe/London

Short Abstract:

In this roundtable we analyse our complicity in the reproduction of oppressive hierarchies in the academic world and beyond to engage in an exercise of imagination and hope. How can we engage in events that transform and shape oppression in our societies beyond observation?

Long Abstract:

In this roundtable we invite researchers to engage in a reflexive exercise to analyse our complicity in the reproduction of hierarchies in the academic world. Many of our work's pressures-constant need to publish, expectations to produce "innovative" research, or to submit "brilliant" proposals-exacerbate the already problematised extractivist features of modern research. This roundtable offers the opportunity to engage in a dialogue that explores questions such as: Who are we researching when we engage in ethnographic research and for what reason? What knowledge are we producing? Furthermore, we ask the participants in this roundtable how can we, as researchers, engage beyond observation in events that transform and shape the oppressions that bodies experience in our societies?

As neoliberal subjects we are embedded in a system that seems to actively restrict reflexivity. In this feminist roundtable we invite short presentations that challenge and explore the role our positionality plays in the intersections of our work and activism, as well as our responsibility in reinforcing hegemonic structures of knowledge and power. Additionally, in a move to counteract neoliberalism's imagination void which reaffirms certain oppressive structures such as borders, we look to enter a conversation based on an exercise of imagination to implement into our research contexts activist ideologies grounded in transformation and hope known as abolitionism, focused on fundamentally challenging these hierarchies. In this vein, we seek to discuss how to integrate findings into our activism and begin to question what an activist methodology might look like and who are its authors.

Accepted contributions:

Session 1 Tuesday 26 July, 2022, -