Paper short abstract:
The bonds between India and Africa have been forged over several centuries. Africa, like India, is a continent of rich and compelling diversity, they share colonial history, similar economic and demographic challenges. How they will influence on each other in the logic of the XXI century?
Paper long abstract:
India as an emerging superpower today openly lays claim to a sphere of interest in Africa, recognizing the age-old spiritual, cultural and civilizational ties and a huge Indian diaspora on the African continent.
Historically, India-Africa relations were built on opposition of colonialism and racial discrimination. Independent India under Nehru offered support to the people of Africa who were struggling against discrimination and apartheid. Recent India's relations with African countries are rising in the political, economic and multilateral spheres.
From one side, India's engagement with the continent is consultative and is, to a large extent, driven by the demands of the African countries and free of conditionalities. From another side, there are own strong business interests. Moreover, Indians as a society conflate prejudices and discriminations concerning skin, color, race and caste - despite denial from the state on various platforms.
Africans residing in India sometimes face assault, discrimination, negative stereotyping, and racism towards themselves. Most of such cases are easily transmitted through social media in Africa, and this may pose serious threats to Indian interests and indian diasporas settled there. These assaults generate a negative impact on India-Africa cooperation.
The paper will critically question the Indian policy and practice towards African countries, and mutual influence of India and Africa in a changing and complex relations marked by religious, racial and cultural diversity.