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Bodies-in-motion: experiencing the role of 'moving' in anthropological praxis [AnthroMob] 
Paolo S. H. Favero (University of Antwerp)
Shireen Walton (University College London)
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Patrick Laviolette (FF, MUNI, Masaryk Univ.)
Friday 17 August, -
Time zone: Europe/Stockholm

Short Abstract:

This outdoor lab allows participants to acknowledge and challenge issues of pace, rhythm, tempo, velocity and flow surrounding their own movements as well as the people, 'things' and contexts circulating around them, be it during fieldwork or while teaching. Pre-registration is mandatory.

Long Abstract:

For further info, materials & registration, please visit:

Much of our methodological training seems to be axed on 'sedentary' fieldwork methods. Little attention is paid to how we move (our bodies) around 'sites'. While mobility studies has made us aware of the importance of movement, both as an analytical lens and a subject of study in time as well as space, it is imperative to widen these insights in more practice-oriented ways. Taking our cues from contemporary anthropologies of mobility (including adventure, dance and walking), and of sensing (matters of presencing, awareness, perception) this laboratory shall provide experimental ground to reflect on our own bodies-in-motion.

Participants should wear comfortable clothes and shoes and need to pre-register in advance (max. 30). They will be able to access recommended reading list before the session via the lab's blog. During the lab, which will take place outside, they will be assigned various micro-tasks to be executed alone, in pairs, in small groups, or with everybody present. The idea is to allow participants to acknowledge and challenge issues of pace, rhythm, tempo, velocity and flow surrounding their own movements as well as the people, 'things' and contexts circulating around us. They will be invited to explore their own patterns of 'being there' through techniques of breathing and mindfulness. At the end of the lab, we want to discuss how these issues and experiences can be extrapolated to situations of fieldwork and teaching.

Please pre-register for this lab here: