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Ageing, care and transnational mobilities 
Megha Amrith (Maastricht University)
Helena Patzer (University of Warsaw)
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Jay Sokolovsky (University of South Florida St. Petersburg)
Maria Vesperi (New College of Florida)
Aula Magna-Mimer
Tuesday 14 August, -, -
Time zone: Europe/Stockholm

Short Abstract:

This panel offers a critical examination of care and its changing meanings and practices in the context of ageing populations and transnational mobilities; and how this impacts communities left behind, ageing and retired migrants, and their intergenerational relationships.

Long Abstract:

This panel examines how the phenomena of global ageing and transnational mobility are shaping profound changes in the global economy of care, and its social and cultural meanings and practices among individuals, families and communities. It looks at how the intersection of ageing and mobility critically calls into question existing expectations, ethics and understandings of care in societies across the world. Those who stay, move and settle are connected through webs of care that stretch across regions through the intensification of transnational connections, both physical and virtual. Shifting patterns of mobility and immobility across borders, and emerging economies and infrastructures of care that cater to the needs of (mobile) ageing populations are also having an impact on how care and caring relationships are experienced. Such transformations in care open up new communities and forms of sociality among older generations, but also see the emergence of tensions and anxieties. Papers that address one or more of the following themes in any region of the world are most welcome:

 The commodification of care in the capitalist economy - e.g. migrant care labour to support ageing populations and migration into privatised retirement communities

 Ruptures and continuities in intergenerational relationships of care in transnational families

 Imaginative mobilities and older generations' engagement with contemporary digital media

 Older populations 'left behind' and the active roles they play in household decisions on care and migration

 Different ideas, meanings and practices of care at home and abroad

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Tuesday 14 August, 2018, -