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Accepted Paper:

Effects of the media on female gender after the change of regime in Hungarian society  
Judith Jaray-Vojcek (Medical University of Budapest)

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Paper short abstract:

The change of regime (1989) increased the influence of global media in Hungary, which affected women’s role in society (single women, buisness women). This paper identifies variables forming gender roles, based on analysing media and on data derived through interviews, focus-groups and a questionnaire.

Paper long abstract:

In Hungary, the change of regime (in 1989) resulted not only in international as well as political changes but in radical social changes as well. Chiefly western influences became increasingly incorporated into the cultural and societal frame of society. The role of women in society and family became re-evaluated, as different perceptions of the feminine gender and new possibilities for women in society became more common. For instance, it became widely acceptable for women to remain single and to excel in the business world, or to become mothers at a very early or a very late age. This paper analyzes these gender developments through anthropological perspectives and attempts to identify the variables that mostly influenced such changes. The conclusions are based on a questionnaire that was administered to young women: eg. mothers who struggle to raise their children often without much support by society , single women and buisness women. The questionnaire aimed at identifying their perception on the role of today's women particularly in the family as mothers and in the job market as professionals. For the final analysis we included data derived from interviews and focus-group discussions. The paper presents findings that emphasize the influence of the global media such as the print media, soap operas, and commercials on local gender perceptions.

Panel W042
European discourse gone global: shaping the lives of people worldwide and being shaped by them
  Session 1