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Accepted Paper:
Spontaneous shrines and the public ritualesque
Jack Santino
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Paper short abstract:
This paper will synthesise several years of research and publication on the phenomena of spontaneous shrines and the public memorialisation of death. As an emergent mourning ritual, I will suggest the properties of this phenomenon, their public and political natures, and suggest the concept of the 'ritualesque' as a means of understanding these and other emergent public display events.
Paper long abstract:
This paper will synthesize several years of research and publication on the phenomena of spontaneous shrines and the public memorialisation of death. As an emergent mourning ritual, I will suggest the properties of this phenomenon, their public and political natures, and suggest the concept of the "ritualesque" as a means of understanding these and other emergent public display events.
The public memorialisation of death: spontaneous shrines as political tools
Session 1