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Accepted Paper:
The role of non-state actors in governance and governance-building in Syria
Jamal Mokhtari
Paper short abstract:
What strategies do non-state actors in Syria use to gain legitimacy?
How do non-state actors provide governance and public goods in conflict-affected regions?
Paper long abstract:
The overthrow of Bashar al-Assad's government in Syria by groups that are all non-state actors has attracted worldwide attention. The way in which these groups came together, formed the transitional government and what they have done so far to gain legitimacy can be a good example for examining the role of state actors in providing a governance model. To this end, this article will look at how the non-state actors in Syria who have now formed the transitional government are trying to gain internal and external legitimacy What will their governance model look like? And what are the ups and downs they will face?
The role of non-state actors in political crises