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Accepted Paper:

Smart and sustainable Nusantara: a new utopian dream for Indonesia's capital city   
Eka Permanasari (Monash University, Indonesia)

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Paper short abstract:

This paper investigates the masterplan for the new capital city of Indonesia, Kalimantan (Nusantara), and how it constructs new narratives for Indonesian national identity.

Paper long abstract:

This paper investigates the masterplan for the new capital city of Indonesia, Kalimantan (Nusantara), and how it constructs new narratives for Indonesian national identity. It investigates the controversy surrounding the decision, design, meanings, and functions of the new capital complex, including the attempt to leave the current troubled capital city of Jakarta. The paper examines the symbolism of building a smart and sustainable Nusantara as a new dream for postcolonial Indonesia. The paper begins with a literature review on the history of the creation and recreation of national identity in the postcolonial nations, followed by a discussion on how architecture and urban design convey specific meaning in relation to the formation of new national identity and its symbolic significance, as well as an examination of the potential effects of this decision on the local population, economy, and environment. This research decodes the narrative symbolism of the new Indonesian capital through visual analysis of the existing masterplan and archival research through review of public and professional opinion.

Panel P12
New Cities as sites for social (in)justice: lessons from experiments in urban development
  Session 2 Thursday 27 June, 2024, -