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Achieving social justice and stopping inequalities - Tackling distribution and redistribution together 
Alessandro Batazzi (International Labour Organisation - ILO)
Miguel Nino Zarazua (SOAS University of London)
Sukti Dasgupta (ILO)
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Embedding justice in development
Thursday 27 June, -
Time zone: Europe/London
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Short Abstract:

The proposed roundtable panel brings together policy makers, leaders of workers and employers organisations, development practitioners, academics to to discuss good practices in supporting social justice by tackling inequalities in the world of work with distributive and redistributive measures.

Long Abstract:

The ILO adopted recently a comprehensive and integrated ILO strategy to reduce and prevent inequalities in the world of work. The strategy underlines that preventing and reducing inequalities is a constitutive of social justice. This requires, among other things, to tackle distribution and redistribution together, thus reducing inequalities in the labour market while redistributing with fiscal and social policies.

As progress towards achieving SDG 10 to reduce inequalities remains a challenge, it is important that we revisit policy strategies and good practices so that development partners can move forward in partnerships based on solidarity and social justice, a spirit echoed by the soon to be established Global Coalition on Social Justice.

The panel will thus bring together high-level policy makers, workers and employers organisations, academics and development practitioners to reflect on how to increase momentum and concerted action to reduce inequalities and achieve social justice for all. Panellists will discuss the key drivers of inequalities in the world of work, the role of international development institutions and actors in contributing to addressing them, and the main challenges in the current economic and political environments.

The panellists will discuss measures related to: the application of the principle of equal pay for work of equal value; the challenges and opportunities offered by the care economy, digital and just transitions to reduce inequalities; the joint role played fiscal and social redistribution; etc.

The diversity of panellists will ensure the perfect mix of theoretical and practical recommendations to tackle inequalities and reduce social justice.