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Business, finance and digital technologies

These panels look at the increasing role of business in development, including growing attention to taxation and the digital technologies.

Decolonial and anti-racist perspectives

These panels bring new forms of knowledge and centres of debate through critical reflection on ongoing practices of marginalisation and adverse incorporation using decolonial and anti-racist lenses

Global environmental justice

These panels look at how inequalities and historic discrimination produce environmental harm and how understandings of justice and the natural environment can be expanded through conversations with other disciplines and stakeholders.

Global inequalities

These panels look how COVID19 has exposed and worsened existing socio-economic inequalities and democratic deficits, while creating new forms of exploitative relationship.

Global methodologies

These panels look at how development debates, and the ways in which development knowledge is produced, can be unsettled by the new ways of working, necessitated by COVID19 and experiences of creatively engaging the social sciences with the humanities.


These panels look at topics ranging from land reform to climate mobility, with a focus on resistance and conflict.

Infrastructure and energy

These panels look at the resurgence in infrastructure-led development, the infrastructure needs of urban communities, and the political economy of renewable energy and resource extraction.

Policy and practice

These panels look at policy and practice, with a focus on gender, aging, and social protection.

Rethinking development

These panels question the models and theories shaping our field and identify ways to respond creatively to social change.