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Accepted Paper:

Exceptional Women?: Women's Leadership,Informal Networks Policy Change and Policy Change in Bangladesh e  
Sohela Nazneen (Institute of Development Studiesies, University of Sussex) Maheen Sultan (Brac Institute of Governance and Development) Pragyna Mahpara (BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD), BRAC University)

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Paper short abstract:

How do powerful women and their networks matter in making gender equitable policy change happen? We focus on three policy areas in Bangladesh, and explore the role of critical female actors, how they used personal relations and networks, and the limits of the strategies for sustaining gains.

Paper long abstract:

Since 1991, Bangladesh has had a female prime minister, their presence in the parliament and cabinet has increased. Bangladesh has a long history of women's movement and policy activism.

are used by these women to promote change.

In this paper we examine three policy areas to explore the role played by powerful women - political leaders, femocrats and activists to promote gender equitable change. We also explore how these leaders used informal networks, and contested sticky institutional norms or contained opposition. The paper also explores the challenges of replying on the informal relations and the gendered barriers that these specific strategies raise towards fostering leadership. The paper raises questions about whether gains made using these strategies are sustainable in the long run.

Panel P12
Gatekeepers and Gamechangers: How Women Matter for Promoting Equitable Change
  Session 1 Friday 19 June, 2020, -