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Accepted Paper:

Challenges faced by globalization and leadership institutions in Africa  
Okpu Enoh Ndip Nkongho (Yemyung Graduate University Seoul, South Korea)

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Paper short abstract:

This paper seems to assess the role played by globalization and leadership institutional in Africa as actors in the global world as well as a review of the past in order to design the future.

Paper long abstract:

Problems faced by Globalization and Leadership institutions in Africa, is one of, if not the main reason why I find interest in this topic. My argument is that, The new wave of global institutional leadership is marked by the globalization of markets and finance, the unipolar domination of a single liberal development model, cultural standardization, the internationalization of education systems and global networking through communications and information systems, raising great expectations as ideas, products, unique values and thoughts of progress and emancipation flow back and forth while, at the same time presaging great danger, serious threats, inequalities, oppression, exclusion and marginalization of many regions in Africa, leaving conflict, civil war, exacerbated idiosyncrasies and destructive identities in their trail. Globalization holds out hopes for the expression of diversity, essential to humanity, but also threatens to destroy diversity through worldwide totalitarianism that it is likely to impose at any moment. As Future issue to be address, a critical review of Africa's situation starts with the desire to redress matters, give hope to the rising generations and ensure a genuine takeoff in the context of integration at the world level. The African culture in its broadest sense, must be central to development, to change and to integration into globalization. At the same time, textbooks must contribute to the development of a pluralist and tolerant approach to the teaching of history in order to meet young people's new expectations. This could be possible solutions for new leadership and global challenges in Africa.

Panel P06
Exploring leadership in CSOs (NGOs in development studies group)
  Session 1 Thursday 18 June, 2020, -