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Accepted Paper:

Shifting landscape: unstable NGOs in MENA  
Ibrahim Natil (Dublin City University)

Paper short abstract:

NGOs play an increasingly important role in generating the political, economic and social developments that shape daily life. NGOs sector is an expansive terrain characterised by dynamic relationships between agents of action, the causes they serve and the communities.

Paper long abstract:

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) play an increasingly important role in generating the political, economic and social developments that shape daily life in our contemporary, global society. NGOs have the capacity to drive innovation and provide humanitarian relief in the face of natural disasters, war and other crises around the world. With a diverse range of organisations, objectives and activities that target local, national and international issues, the NGO sector is an expansive terrain characterised by dynamic relationships between agents of action, the causes they serve and the communities. Occupying the ground between business and government, the NGO sector faces a number of regulatory and financial challenges that affect its overall health and sustainability.

This paper seeks to understand various factors, which influence the sector's unstable circumstances in MENA. It will consider Palestine, Jordan and Libya by focusing on challenges facing NGOs' societal contributions, current operational practices and strategies for future development. It also studies engagement that explores the factors, circumstances and historical changes that influence the development and activities of NGOs in MENA in the post 'Arab Spring' ear as well as the organisational, financial and political challenges facing the sector today.

The following key themes will guide project development:



Networking, sharing information and expertise


Legitimacy and sustainability

Political Environment

Regulatory Environments in which NGOs Operate

NGOs and Cross Culture Relations

NGOs and (Inter)National Economies

E-paper: this Paper will not be presented, but read in advance and discussed

Panel C3
Unravelling, unfolding and unsettling NGOs' work, role and methodologies