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Un/Commoning Anthropology and Citizen Science – Sensing Pollution, Toxicity, and Waste in Cologne’s Urban Ecologies 
Christoph Lange (University of Cologne)
Nada Rosa Schroer (Technical University Dortmund)
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Sandro Simon (University of Cologne)
Felix Lussem (University of Cologne)
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Short Abstract:

The Lab explores emerging forms of collective research and civil action. It experimentally inquires how environmental citizen science initiatives, artists and scientists in Cologne confront pollution, toxicity and waste and what roles anthropology can play in more-than-human encounters.

Long Abstract:

In response to multiple crises and its legacy as a colonial, extractive discipline, anthropology has been reimagined as an engaged and co-labourative practice. The Lab explores emerging forms of collective research and civil action. It experimentally inquires how pollution, toxicity and waste are addressed by environmental citizen science initiatives, artists and scientists in Cologne and asks what roles anthropology can play in these encounters. The focus lies at the intersection of “situated sensing” and sense making of urban environmental issues and multispecies conviviality. How can sensing technologies be mobilized for artistic and academic inquiry to shape matters of un/commoning and intervene in the “distribution of the sensible” (Rancière 2001)?

The Lab experiments with “research creation” (Loveless 2020) that hybridizes artistic and scientific approaches and fosters as a “methodological device” a material-social situation of co-knowledge production (Estalella and Criado 2015). We invite Lab participants to multimodally engage with different methods paying attention to the inventive, unruly character of technological mediation in close encounters with Cologne’s urban ecologies.

The Lab is organized in two sessions: 1) A site-specific sensing walk through an area (e.g. the Rhine river banks) marked as both a commons and a contested ground for socio-environmental interventions. 2) A mapping and data session to reflect on the collective outcome.

The Lab is open to 30 pre-registered participants. The conveners and their local partners will handle all technical requirements, venue and location. Potential local partners are: Rhein K.R.A.K.E. (e.V.); Bodenlabor Kalk Soil Project; AvantGarden.