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Accepted Paper:

PAIGCs Escolas-Piloto – contributions to establishing identity  
Ana Lúcia dos Reis (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa)

Paper short abstract:

Amilcar Cabral uses for te first time the term “Homem Novo” in Cassacá, at the first Congress of PAIGC, in 1964. This term is the cornerstone of the educational policy in escolas-piloto, which will have as an objective the reconstruction, appropriation and restitution of an African identity. We will comment on such educational model through the analysis of teaching materials created by PAIGC for this context.

Paper long abstract:

The project of escolas-piloto was the result of the planning of a man, Amilcar Cabral, put in place by himself and several PAIGC militants and leaders.

These schools were created as an internship for educating the children displaced to Cassacá, during the 1st Congress of PAIGC, and ended up expanding to different liberated areas. It welcomed many children going through different learning stages and it achieved, in times of armed conflict, the production of educational materials in various learning fields. The training of teachers and instructors was a major concern as well as the allocation of students in various locations (mostly close to the party’s familiar grounds), with the aim of training the poplations in all spheres of knowledge and hence constituting an extremely relevant educational and social reference, which hasn’t been thoroughly studied so far.

According to Lilica Boal, a PAIGC militant and the director of these schools as of 1969, according to an interview in 2014:

«One of the great decisions of this congress [was] the creation of a school that might welcome the war orphans and the children of militants with the objective of providing training focused on the creation of the “homem novo” that Cabral talked about».

Panel P08
Education and national identities
  Session 1 Thursday 18 July, 2019, -