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Accepted Paper:

Occupation, exploration and gender in Belgian Congo: the case of Congolese popular music in Leopoldville  
Felipe Antonio Honorato (University of São Paulo)

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Paper short abstract:

This article discusses: The Congolese popular music as one of the results of a process of creolization caused by the choices of colonial power for occupation and exploration of the former Belgian Congo; its role of relevance for the empowerment of Congolese women within the city of Leopoldville.

Paper long abstract:

This article discusses, through a bibliographical review: (i) The Congolese popular music as one of the results of a process of creolization caused by the choices of colonial power for occupation and exploration of the former Belgian Congo; (ii) its role of relevance for the empowerment of Congolese women within the city of Leopoldville. Leopoldville, today só called Kinshasa, was the name given to the former capital of the Belgian Congo, now Democratic Republic of Congo, between the years of 1881 and 1966, when the country had already become politically independent.

Keywords: Léopoldville. Belgian Congo. Female Empowerment. Migrations. Popular music. Democratic Republic of Congo.

Panel P31
Film, theatre, music: new directions, legacies
  Session 1 Wednesday 17 July, 2019, -