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Accepted Paper:

The Transformation of Musical Practices in Lisbon at the end of the Ancien Régime: New Commercial Dynamics and Cosmopolitan Models  
Vanda Sá (Universidade de Évora)

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Paper short abstract:

The paper will analyse the impact of new trends related to cultural exchanges and the music market on the circulation of new products, new instruments and music, correlating with the renovation of cultural practices, and even a new way of consuming and listen to the music starting from Lisbon.

Paper long abstract:

During the reign of Queen Mary I (1777-1816), there developed in Portugal new musical practices in parallel with a flourishing of commerce associated with music. In this paper I intend to study the articulation between the renewal of repertoire, of music manuals, with the data of the imports and customs duties; and specific information from the commercial advertisements placed in periodicals concerning to the sales of instruments - including some references to Brasil -, but also auctions and trade of second hand instruments, especially pianos.

I intend most of all evaluate how the circulation of new products, new instruments and music, whether cosmopolitan or local production as in the case of the modinha, enabled not only the renovation of cultural practices, such as the affirmation of new professionals and even a new way of consuming and listen to the music.

Panel P14
Musical exchanges between Europe and Portugal at the end of the Ancien Regime: sheet music, trade of instruments and entrepreneur musicians
  Session 1