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Accepted Paper:
The article delves into the challenges of applying a competence-based approach in teaching a foreign language at a contemporary university. The developmental stages of this approach, its unique characteristics, and significance are highlighted. The primary obstacle in implementing this approach is assessing competencies. In our opinion, the best solution is the criteria-based assessment method. Adopting a competence-based approach to education modernizes and enhances it to meet the modern society's and state's professional training requirements for specialists. This approach emphasizes the need to acquire the ability to apply foreign language knowledge in professional and everyday activities.
The work's methodological foundation is built on competence-based, activity-based, and communicative approaches to teaching English in professional training for future specialists. Our study utilized the analysis of psychological, pedagogical, and regulatory literature, as well as the systematization and generalization of pedagogical experience in a military university. The implementation of the competence-based approach is crucial for fostering communicative competence, and its features in language learning within the university are discussed. Conceptually, implementing this approach in a non-linguistic university and high school are similar.
Keywords: competence, competence-based approach, foreign language, foreign language teaching, university education, competence-based approach, training, competence-oriented tasks, game technologies
Innovative Educational Methodology and Communication Issues
Session 1 Saturday 14 September, 2024, -