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Accepted Paper:

Media Representation of the Belt and Road Initiative in Kazakhstan  
Ainur Slamgazhy (Astana IT University) Karlyga Myssayeva (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University)


The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), announced in 2013, by Xi Jinping in

Kazakhstan at Nazarbayev University, resonates deeply in Central Asia due to its

historical connection to the ancient Silk Road trade, which flourished until the mid-

fifteenth century. This historical context predisposes many Central Asians to

embrace the BRI concept. Focused on infrastructure-driven connectivity, China’s

BRI offers Central Asian countries practical and cost-effective means to enhance

their intraregional and cross-border connectivity through the construction of

transport and other infrastructure projects.

This study investigates how the BRI is represented in Kazakhstani media,

employing content analysis of the Qazaqstan TV channel (151 news items) and the

Azattyq Ruhy news agency (317 news items). Overall, 468 news items will be

analyzed. By systematically examining news broadcasts, articles, and opinion

pieces, the research aims to identify predominant themes, sentiments, and framing

techniques used in BRI coverage. Preliminary findings reveal a complex interplay

of national interests, economic opportunities, and geopolitical considerations

shaping media discourse. Most of the news focuses on economics, trade,

investment, and infrastructure, while the cultural exchange aspect of the Silk Road

is less covered.

The BRI is often depicted as a catalyst for economic growth and infrastructure

development, though concerns about sovereignty, economic dependence, and

regional security are also prominent.

This study will contribute to understanding how global initiatives like the BRI are

localized in national media and provide insights into Kazakhstan's strategic

positioning within the initiative.

The discussion will also involve other factors such as cultural and diplomatic

impact that played a big role in the representation of the Belt and Road Initiative

(BRI) in Central Asian countries.

Keywords: China-Kazakhstan, Central Asia, BRI, content analysis.

Panel POL008
Kazakhstan at a Crossroads
  Session 1 Friday 13 September, 2024, -