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Accepted Paper:

Organization of blind libraries in Uzbekistan as a factor of their socialization  
Khurshid Toshov (National university of Uzbekistan)

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Paper abstract:

Initially, people with visual disabilities in Uzbekistan used the Louis Braille book collection of the state library named after Alisher Navoi - now the National Library of Uzbekistan.

In 1949, the Society of the Blind of Uzbekistan established a printing house producing literature in L. Braille. His first product is the "Alifbe" textbook, which was published on September 1, 1949 by L. Braille. The activity of this enterprise later became important in enriching library book funds with works in Uzbek language written by L. Braille. The first library serving people with visual disabilities in Uzbekistan was established on the basis of the order No. 146 of September 12, 1951 of the Culture Department of the Executive Committee of the former Tashkent Region. It worked as a Tashkent city library for the blind.

At first, the library's L. Braille, flat letter and timed press publications were mainly used by persons with visual disabilities living in Tashkent, their family members, employees of the Society of the Blind of Uzbekistan system, and people dealing with eye diseases. In the next period, the need to provide services to visually impaired users living in other regions of Uzbekistan through special libraries also increased. Taking this into account, the Tashkent city library for the visually impaired was transformed into the Republican Central Library for the Visually Impaired under the Republican Ministry of Culture at the initiative of Society of the Blind of Uzbekistan.

Since 1970, a publishing department of books in audio recording was established under the printing house of Society of the Blind of Uzbekistan. This activity was carried out on the basis of a list of literature compiled by Republican Central Library for the Blind, taking into account the interests of users. The important thing is that all the publications released until 1990 were sent to special libraries for the blind in the republic. Sent for free at the expense of Society of the Blind of Uzbekistan.

The organization of libraries with book collections in Braille and audio format expands the opportunities of visually impaired people to receive, process and transmit information, their education in the Uzbek language, in various professions. created a favorable environment for him to work and engage in creative activities.

In this thesis, I want to put forward this idea, proving it on the basis of separate oral history and statistical data on the example of Uzbekistan.

Panel CULT06
New Paths to Analysis of Central Asian Culture
  Session 1 Sunday 22 October, 2023, -