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Accepted Paper:

Turkey and Central Asia : An analysis of Defence Sector Cooperation, Opportunities and Challenges  
Goktug Sonmez (Akhmat Yassawi University, Kazakhstan)

Paper abstract:

“Especially after the success of Turkish drones in various conflicts from Syria to Libya and from Ethiopia to Azerbaijan, the purchase of Turkish defence industry products has been an important dimension of Turkey-Central Asia relation. This effort is a further step within the context of already existent trend of acquisition of Turkish defence products in the Central Asian Republics after the independence. Amidst Chinese BRI efforts and increasing use of the Russkiy Mir by the Russian elite, this trend and deepening of the Organization of Turkic States deserves an higher level of attention. Thus, whether and how Turkish efforts can irritate and/or contribute to the Russian and Chinese efforts in the region is an important question. The defence industry cooperation of the Central Asian Republics has long been discussed as an area where Russia could sustain its control over the region. Therefore, the Turkish entrance to the market and possible intensification of Chinese efforts to penetrate the market are important topics to see not only the possible changes on the subject but also in general to the future of Central Asian Republics especially after the war in Ukraine since next steps of Russia might be in the region. Thus, this piece will discuss the Turkey-Central Asia defence cooperation, specific agreements and purchases, and also its implications for the region and big power rivalry in the region.”

Panel POL12
Great Power Rivalry and Central Asia
  Session 1 Saturday 21 October, 2023, -