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Accepted Paper:

Renewable Energy as Value Creation Drivers of Sustainable Development in Mountainous Areas in Central Asia  
Gulaiym Batyrova (Kyrgyz National University named after Zhusup Balasagyn)

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Paper abstract:

The paper highlights the importance and value of the mountainous areas in creating new perspectives and opportunities through renewable energy resources. Specifically, the Central Asian mountains are claimed to have a robust potential for greening economies in the given region. In general, the priority areas of sustainable development of the Central Asian countries’ strategies are considered the following aspects: sustainable hydropower generation; promotion of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises, ecotourism, smart agriculture and biodiversity conservation; and accountable mining and resources extraction. Among all above mentioned, however, in mountainous areas of Central Asia the energy production by generating hydro-, wind, solar or geothermal power, is stated as one of sustainable development policy options. The paper studies an energy potential of the countries of Central Asia, mainly mountainous areas, and how sustainable mountain development is based on extracting green energy. In the paper the Green Energy Road Map of Central Asia is developed in order to explore advantages and disadvantages of using green energy nowadays and in future.

Panel REG03
The Topics of Agriculture, Industry and Energy Sectors in Central Asia under the Sustainable Mountain Development Framework
  Session 1 Saturday 22 October, 2022, -