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Accepted Paper:
Existential vs. Essential: the Securityscapes of LGBT people in Kyrgyzstan
Nina Bagdasarova
(American University of Central Asia)
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Paper long abstract:
The new turn in security studies shifting interest from "state" security making towards agency of ordinary people in their everyday life evoked new approaches and categories to describe and explain individual and social practices in the scope of security. The "securityscapes" concept was proposed in order to understand how people response to existential threats within three dimensions: body, identity and spiritual beliefs or/and moral principles. LGBT people living in the two largest cities of Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek and Osh) participated in research devoted to their everyday security practices. The design for participatory research was developed involving LGBT community representatives in collecting and interpreting data. The specific securityscapes of LGBT people are described in the paper that include structural elements of body; space and material objects; social surrounding; time in terms of future, past and present; behavioral strategies of avoiding, adaptation and others. The role of individual and collective imagination in securityscapes making was investigated.
No Past? No Future? Everyday Securityscapes in Central Asia
Session 1