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Accepted Paper:

Kaikadi community in Maharashtra: human rights violations  
Anjali Kurane (Savitribai Phule Pune University (Formerly University of Pune)) Jyoti Shetty (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Research and Training Institute)

Paper short abstract:

Vidyarthi, Mishra (1977), SCs are considered outcastes and untouchables, remain at the bottom of social hierarchy, are socially deprived, discriminated, exploited by upper caste since time immemorial. The study focuses on present status of Kaikadis of Vidharbha in Maharashtra, listed under SCs.

Paper long abstract:

Russel & Hiralal (1931), mention, no caste will take food from Kaikadis. Their touch is considered to defile a Brahman, Bania, Kalar and other Caste, but not a Kunbi. They are not allowed to enter into a temple, they live outside the village. Kamble N.D (1982) writes “The social exploitation manifests itself in a variety of ways in the Indian society even to-day.

There are 59 castes among SCs, several studies have shown that new inequalities have crept in among the SCs due to uneven educational attainments, there are clear differences among them in terms of social and economic status. Equal access for unequal groups is not true equality,

Vidharba an administrative division of Maharashtra consists of Amravati and Nagpur Division. Fieldwork was undertaken in the districts of Akola and Yavatmal. Random sampling method was used to collect data from 62 respondents belonging to this community.

The study shows that even today, they are treated as untouchables, prohibited from entering temples, live on the outskirts of the village, still continue the traditional occupations of weaving baskets, rearing pigs, donkeys to carry on the labour work, women are not even given the work of housemaids by other castes.Today, the SCs are far more advanced than what they were at the time of independence but some among them are still living in deplorable conditions.

Panel WIM-HLT06
Peace and sustainable development: emerging human rights challenges in multi-ethnic societies
  Session 1