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Accepted Paper:
The description of individual characters in Robert and Richard Shomburgk's travel accounts in the northern Amazon (1835-1845)
André Augusto Da Fonseca
(UERR - Roraima State University)
Paper Short Abstract:
Moved by the characteristic attitude of naturalists in the first half of the 19th century, Schomburgk brothers described in a sensitive and empathetic way many indigenous and non-indigenous men and women, their habits, characteristics, beliefs.
Paper Abstract:
As important actors in the border conflict between the Brazilian empire and the British empire, and driven by the characteristic attitude of naturalists in the first half of the 19th century, the Schomburgk brothers described in a sensitive and empathetic way many indigenous and non-indigenous men and women, their habits, characteristics, beliefs. This paper looks at six individuals they describe. These descriptions can shed light on many historical and cultural aspects of the region and on the values and ideology of the two ethnographer brothers.