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Conceptualizing patriarchies and feminisms from the frontiers 
Chloe Nahum-Claudel (University of Manchester)
Aline Regitano (University of Sao Paulo)
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Chloe Nahum-Claudel (University of Manchester)
Room M209, Teaching & Learning Building (TLB)
Tuesday 8 April, -, -
Time zone: Europe/London
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Short Abstract:

How can we theorize patriarchy today in a way that is fresh whilst drawing on an enduring anthropological tradition of challenging homogenizing understandings of gender, whilst holding out a horizon of universality?

Long Abstract:

What does the flurry of interdisciplinary theorisation and societal debate that #MeToo has occasioned demand of feminist anthropology? We come to these queries as anthropologists of Amazonia and Melanesia who have grappled with transformations of gender relations in contexts of resource extraction, biomedicalization, and state schooling in Amazonia (Regitano and Nahum-Claudel 2021), as well the intensification and transformation of patriarchal witch hunts in Papua New Guinea (Nahum-Claudel forthcoming).

Generations of anthropologists have documented diverse modes through which the integration of people from non-dominant groups into the national state, and the ideological and economical processes that go along with it, may produce new patriarchies, a rigidification of binary gender roles, or militarized masculinities. Patriarchy, we know, may be invented, or turbo charged by colonialism and missionary activity (Oyewumi 1997). Equally, anthropologists highlight the perversity that a feminist-inspired, gender-violence focus within the development apparatus is so readily weaponized to reinstate civilizational and racial hierarchies, pitting ‘good’ patriarchs against ‘bad’ (Abu Lughod et al 2023). We invite people interested in dialoguing about the intersection of patriarchy, colonialism, gender violence and the feminisms that co-exist with them to contribute to our panel.


Abu-Lughod, Hammami, and Shalhūb-Kīfūrkiyān, eds. The Cunning of Gender Violence: Geopolitics and Feminism. 2023.

Oyěwùmí. The Invention of Women : Making an African Sense of Western Gender Discourses. 1997.

Nahum-Claudel. Witchcraft and Patriarchy: punishment and speech in Papua New Guinea witch hunts. Current Anthropology. Forthcoming.

Regitano and Nahum-Claudel, Feminist Perspectives in Indigenous Amazonia. Cadernos de Campo 30 (2). 2021.

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Tuesday 8 April, 2025, -
Session 2 Tuesday 8 April, 2025, -