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- Convenor:
Hannah Wadle
(Adam Mickiewicz University)
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- Format:
- Lab
- Location:
- Room 202, Teaching & Learning Building (TLB)
- Sessions:
- Thursday 10 April, -
Time zone: Europe/London
Short Abstract:
Longing: At the crossroads of time, space and imagination it embodies both stillness and movement. In this lab we will introduce and experience methodological practices that engage with longing on different levels of ethnographic interaction.
Longing embodies both stillness and movement: it sits at the crossroads of time, space, imagination, affect. It feeds on opportunity and entrapment, positionality and affordance. We can see it as an affect, a practice, a resource, an act of resistance, a form of creativity, a relationship. Engaging longing in ethnographic interactions and relations can open our understanding to new dimensions of movements - physical and metaphysical, tangible and intangible. It can help us inquire about how those movements relate, co-depend, are productive of each other – or also how they are kept apart. This lab introduces a series of methodological practices that engage with longing on different levels of ethnographic interaction. These include landscapes of longing, dialogues with longing, museum of longing, a parade of longings, scales of longings. These methodological approximation of longing can be adapted for research and teaching contexts.
Focusing on one of the introduces practices in more depth, in the lab we invite you to experience how longing can be made productive for an exploration of internal and external movements and of the human and non-human spatialities these movements create. The hands-on experience will be followed up by a discussion and reflection. Everyone is invited to participate in the lab – on the basis of their personal biographies, as well as on the basis of their research or teaching collaborations. Please register following the link below, you can notify us about accessibility needs and choose the practice that interests you most.