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Precarious intimacies: the sexual politics of ethnographic fieldwork 
Matthew Porges (University of Oxford)
Maria Gunko (University of Oxford)
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Room M208, Teaching & Learning Building (TLB)
Wednesday 9 April, -, -
Time zone: Europe/London
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Short Abstract:

Both anthropologists and their interlocutors are subject to complex landscapes of sexualised dynamics during ethnographic fieldwork. We invite theoretical and empirical contributions that address the subject/object relations between researchers and research participants in fieldwork contexts.

Long Abstract:

Though a great deal of excellent anthropological research exists on sexualities and gender dynamics across cultures, less attention has been paid to the experiences of anthropological fieldworkers whose presence in the field maps them inevitably onto existing sex-and-gender entanglements--nor to the enormous theoretical potential of such entanglements. This refers not only, or even predominantly, (or even necessarily at all) to the intimate relationships between anthropologists and their interlocutors (which are generally banned by ethical protocols) but rather to the mutual establishment of shared imaginaries of what sexuality and gender mean relationally and contextually. The development of sexual boundaries, the avoidance of certain forms of intimacy in the field, and the iterated and negotiated positionality of an individual and community, are all a fertile territory for understanding ethnographic engagement beyond one-way data collection. This panel aims to engage with both theoretical and empirical contributions that explore and complexify the anthropologist’s position within the sexual context of the field site, the knowledge thereby produced, the generative entanglements that arise, are engaged with, or are resisted.

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Wednesday 9 April, 2025, -
Session 2 Wednesday 9 April, 2025, -