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Accepted Paper:

"What do you actually want… and what will become of it"? Collaborations, small politics and commitment networks during an ethnographic fieldwork  
Agata Stanisz (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)

Paper short abstract:

The paper is based on the experience of unplanned collaborative ethnography. It concerns limitations resulting from the subject of research (protests, politics and economics related to the development of road infrastructures and local industrial zones) and the expected and forced cooperations.

Paper long abstract:

The paper is (auto) reflective and relates to my personal experiences refering to the situation of a forced collaboration with my research partners. For several years, I have been conducting research on socio-economic changes resulting from the construction of large road infrastructures. By the way, I look at the local industrial investments (development of industrial zones, wind farms, livestock farms or sand and gravel mines). I conduct these research in small local small-town and rural communities in Poland (mainly Western). I work with local environmental activists, politicians, entrepreneurs, media representatives, expert-scientists, officials, foresters and regular locales.

Collaboration with such different research partners requires from me not only social nuance and finding myself in the network of interconnections, but also strongly influences the course of the research process and its effects. My academic activities are largely limited and controlled. Free and creative interpretation becomes almost impossible – is subject to negotiations and compromises.

Therefore, I would like to open a discussion: a. on the limits of compromise resulting from collaborative ethnography; b. on how to set limits our research partners; c. on how to scientifically work with empirical material, which is overwhelmingly sensitive, personal and sometimes on the verge of legality.

Panel Speak14a
The limits of collaboration I
  Session 1 Monday 29 March, 2021, -