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Accepted Paper:

Fragile Relationships: Elusive encounters with public health care in rural Burkina Faso  
Helle Samuelsen (University of Copenhagen)

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Paper short abstract:

With a particular focus on the often shambolic relationship between the rural citizens and the public health care system, I here discuss how the 'absent-present' state in Burkina Faso shapes the everyday life of rural citizens and how it affects the citizens' trust in the democratic state.

Paper long abstract:

The security situation in the West African region is subject to international concern, as it appears increasingly fragile. Burkina Faso was for decades highlighted as a peaceful country without any major conflicts despite great ethnic and religious diversity. In recent years, the situation has changed dramatically. Violent incidents and terrorist attacks initiated by various jihadist groups in different parts of the country have shattered the political stability in Burkina Faso. Furthermore, a popular uprising in 2016 where Blaise Compaoré, the president for 27 years, was dismissed and later replaced by a former compatriot of Compaoré, has not stabilized the situation in any significant ways. These conflicts coupled with high levels of rural poverty - Burkina Faso being ranked as number 183 out of 189 on UN's Human Development Index (UNDP 2018) - create a delicate situation. Drawing on more than twenty years of engagement with Burkina Faso, this chapter explores the critical relationship between rural citizens and the state from "below" taking the point of departure in the everyday formal and informal experiences of ordinary people with the state and its local representatives. With a particular focus on the often shambolic relationship between the rural citizens and the public health care system and other locally based government representatives, I discuss what consequences the 'absent-present' state have for the everyday life of rural citizens, as well as how it affects the rural citizens trust in the democratic state.

Panel Irre13b
The (ir)responsible state and everyday life in Sub-Saharan Africa II
  Session 1 Friday 2 April, 2021, -