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Accepted Paper:

Geometry of thought  
Jaime Refoyo

Paper short abstract:

This paper try to discuss about the relationship between body and space from the thesis of that we cannot know the meaning of our nature without previously knowing the geometry of our thought upon the nature which we tread.

Paper long abstract:

If we are thinking beings, why do we find it so hard to think? The question is not why do we think, the question is if I am what I think.

This paper try to discuss about the relationship between body and space from the thesis of that we cannot know the meaning of our nature without previously knowing the geometry of our thought upon the nature which we tread. Because we do not create, we walk. What type of identity are we preserving when we move through the spaces and bodies around us?

Because not only can we aspire to understand this natural language the body uses to organize the space around us on the basis of a very concrete geometry, but we can also speak with this language of the body; that is, we can guide it while acknowledging its way of thinking. We are not only relational matter, but also organizers of that matter. The geometry revealed by my study shows that we can think within the process that leads matter to organize. We can think about matter that thinks -our body- to define the order around us, and with it, perhaps, not only define ourselves, but also be acknowledged by the rest of nature. But what can we think that is different to how our body is already thinking through its actions?

Panel Env06
Geometry and anthropology: description, projection, and measurement
  Session 1