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Accepted Paper:

Robinson in Space  
Patrick Keiller (Royal College of Art)

Paper short abstract:


Paper long abstract:

Patrick Keiller is a film-maker rather than an anthropologist and this session has him showing and discussing of his internationally acclaimed and multiple award winning "Robinson in Space", which is a C21st recreation of Daniel Defoe's Tour through the Whole Island of Great Britain (1724 -26). The critique of contemporary urban and rural experience outlined in Robinson in Space and its counterpart London has developed into a navigable DVD which assembles 67 early topographical actuality films as a virtual landscape of circa 1900 and a planned research project The Future of Landscape and the Moving Image which addresses the production of landscape and images of landscape in terms of mobility, belonging/displacement and current and anticipated future economic change.

Panel G1
Everyday adventures in being: experiencing the city and landscape
  Session 1