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Accepted Paper:
Paper short abstract:
In this paper I would like to present reasons, which will indicate why I chose the Portuguese anthropology as a object of my research and the issue of my PhD project. Moreover, it is important to depict that I am polish young anthropologist who studied and grow up in context of polish anthropological school.
Paper long abstract:
The purpose of my presentation is giving a picture of motivations and reasons why I select the Portuguese anthropology as my object of research.
I studied one year as a Erasmus student on UTAD. I had enough time to cognize and experience Portuguese culture and way of thinking. I fell in love in so different culture than mine. The significant asset was that I lived and studied in small city which was distant and isolated from other part of country so I could meet archaic way of behaving, without influence of immigrants' culture like in the Lisbon or Porto. What is important, got to know: regional kitchen, folklore, language and I could compared them with other regions. I adore these heterogeneity.
I decided to write my PhD about the Portuguese anthropology because it is science which studies culture and society. Portuguese and Polish anthropologies are not from mainstream. Although both are peripherals, they seem to be miscellaneous. That is why, I was curious how Portuguese history, culture and geographical location influenced on development of Portuguese anthropology. I supposed that Portuguese anthropologist had got significant achievements as researchers in colonies and have a lot of artefacts. I was interesting how developed science in the country without second World War and communism. It is important, how anthropologists make their fieldworks, what issues are the most important and why. If they make their research in Portugal or also abroad and why? What are trends in the contemporary anthropology?
Objectivação participante e a Escolha do Terreno
Session 1