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Accepted Paper:
An investigation of the ongoing colonial legacies in Secondary High Schools in Ghana through the lens of Pan-Africanism
Stephanie Huber
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Paper long abstract:
This paper explores how Pan-African ideas are represented in Ghanaian secondary high schools, and how these ideas can be understood as part of the paradoxical attempt to move beyond colonial legacies within a school system that is highly marked by colonial legacies. Moreover, this paper discusses how schools navigate in a postcolonial nation-state and addresses the identity politics in two secondary high schools in Cape Coast as these are expressed in curricula and teaching practices. Pan-Africanism understood as an anti-colonial movement provides a lens for my research through which educational institutions are examined.
Keywords: Pan-Africanism, Ghana, education, decolonization, coloniality
Decolonising higher education in Africa: disciplinary and pedagogical Issues [initiated by the University of Ghana at Legon]
Session 1