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How can curriculum decolonization operate in the third space in Global South-North collaborations? 
Marieke van Winden (conference organiser) (African Studies Centre Leiden)
Katherine Wimpenny (Coventry University)
Cornelius Hagenmeier (University of the Free State)
Jos Beelen (The Hague University of Applied Sciences)
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H: Knowledge and impact
Start time:
3 December, 2020 at
Time zone: Europe/Amsterdam
Session slots:

Long Abstract:

With the current focus on internationalization and decolonization of the (South) African HE curriculum as a backdrop, online learning spaces can be thought of as transformative social learning environments, involving the fusion of local and remote participants simultaneously or asynchronously. We will discuss how the use of such online spaces can be framed in relation to the concept of the third space; a sociocultural term to designate communal space where learners can experience a transformative sense of self, identity and relation to others. One of the cases we will discuss is iKUDU, a Global South-North project focused on transformation of the curricula of five South African and five European universities. The project uses Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) as the tool to engage learners into an internationalized and decolonized curricula in the Global South and North [initiated by De Haagse Hogeschool, together with Coventry University, and the University of the Free State, South Africa].

Accepted papers:

Session 1