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First Name Last Name Institution Roles []
Benedicta Rousseau (University of Melbourne) Panel Discussant in P15a Panel Discussant in P15b Profile
Jennifer Deger (Charles Darwin University) Panel Discussant in RT05 Profile
Martha Macintyre (The University of Melbourne) Panel Discussant in RT04 Profile
Sylvie Poirier (Université Laval) Panel Discussant in P10a Profile
Malini Sur (Western Sydney University) Panel Discussant in RT05 Profile
Stephanie Spray (University of Southern California) Panel Discussant in RT05 Profile
Gretchen Stolte (University of Western Australia) Panel Discussant in RT04 Profile
Mythily Meher (Independent) Panel Discussant in RT04 Profile
David Giles (Deakin University) Panel Discussant in RT02 Profile
Jennifer Biddle (University of New South Wales) Panel Discussant in P12a Panel Discussant in P12b Profile
Margaret Jolly (The Australian National University) Panel Discussant in RT04 Profile
Jane Mills (UNSW) Panel Discussant in RT05 Profile
Jason Field (Australia National University) Panel Discussant in P10a Profile