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Accepted Contribution:

Climate adaptation as a toxic narrative infrastructure? A guerilla narrative on floods from Bangladesh  
Camelia Dewan (Uppsala University)

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Contribution short abstract:

This paper critically examines climate reductive translations of floods in Bangladesh and suggests that they act as a toxic narrative infrastructure that silences and makes invisible how flood-protection embankments worsen environmental degradation and exacerbates socio-ecological injustices.

Contribution long abstract:

This paper critically examines climate reductive translations of floods in Bangladesh and suggests that they act as a toxic narrative infrastructure that silences and makes invisible how flood-protection embankments, now proposed as adaptation solutions for a drowning Bangladesh, worsen environmental degradation and exacerbates socio-ecological injustices. By drawing on archival research and oral histories, this paper constructs a guerrilla narrative that proposes alternative stories to highlight the complexities of water abundance, water scarcity and water salinity - that are risked being lost when lumped together as 'floods'.

Workshop Decol03
Sabotaging the toxic narrative infrastructure: guerrilla narrative in theory and practice
  Session 2 Friday 23 August, 2024, -