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Time zone: Europe/Berlin
The registration desk will be at the Eingangshalle of KG I (on the ground floor, directly to your right if you enter via the main entrance of KG I).
A full day's event for Young Scholars. Pre-registration necessary! Registration for this event is closed.
This will take place online.
Opening addresses:
Martin Horn (Mayor of Freiburg im Breisgau)
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Krieglstein (Rector of the University of Freiburg)
Petra Olschowski (State secretary in the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of Baden-Württemberg) - video message
Welcome by Prof. Dr. Andreas Mehler (Director of ACT)
The opening addresses are followed by a reception to welcome conference delegates in Freiburg im Breisgau.
Location: Historisches Kaufhaus Freiburg Münsterplatz 24, 79098 Freiburg.
Entry is possible from 16.45 - we kindly ask everyone to show up in time so that the event can start at 17.15.
The registration desk will be at the Eingangshalle of KG I (on the ground floor, directly to your right if you enter via the main entrance of KG I).
The NomadIT VAD2022 conference office is located in Room 1036, and will be staffed throughout the conference.
(To watch the livestream here, you need to be a logged-in, paid-up delegate)
Location: Room 1010
"Benkum dware nifa, nifa dware benkum"*: Strategies for Sustainable Familial Intellectual Engagement
*Akan proverb: lit. the left (hand) washes the right; the right (hand) washes the left hand.
This Akan proverb calls us to remember our interconnectedness, both at the instrumental or pragmatic level, as well as due to our spiritual connectedness. The proverb reminds us that what we share with each other, despite our diversity, is our humanity. It asserts that we come with different strengths, gifts, opportunities as well as disadvantages and struggles—some divinely endowed, others born of our privilege, others’ unfair treatment, or the simple fact that the world is not fair. In Akan cosmology, while there is an emphasis on hard work, productivity and progress, there is also a recognition that “times change” and one’s fortunes are not guaranteed. Hence, there is a need to be a generous giver but also a humble receiver, no matter how fortunate one’s current personal circumstances might be: who knows tomorrow? What should such a reminder mean for us in today’s world of knowledge production? Especially when African knowledge has been devalued, disrespected, sometimes even stolen and sold back to us in new clothes? How might we view knowledge recognition and valorization, and knowledge sharing and “democratization”, especially in a context where some knowledge has a much higher monetary value than others? What about questions of ownership and who gets to decide which knowledge must be safeguarded? When does sharing become appropriation? How can barriers built from centuries of cynicism and mistrust be removed? This talk hopes to activate a deeper discussion about collaborative engagement (or not) for our shared global wellbeing by sharing from examples of pain but also of hope.
Profile: Akosua Adomako Ampofo
Adomako Ampofo is Professor of African and Gender Studies at the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana (UG). She describes herself as an activist scholar and at the heart of her work are questions of identity and power—within families, political and religious spaces, and the knowledge industry. Her areas of interest include African Knowledge systems; Higher education; Race and Identity Politics; Gender relations; Masculinities; and Popular Culture. In 2005 she became the foundation Director of the University’s Centre for Gender Studies and Advocacy and from 2010-2015 she was the Director of the Institute of African Studies. Adomako Ampofo is President of the African Studies Association of Africa; an honorary Professor at the Centre for African Studies at the University of Birmingham; and a Fellow of the Ghana Academy of Arts and Scienc-es. She is Editor-in-Chief, Contemporary Journal of African Studies and Co-Editor, Critical Investigations into Humanitarianism in Africa blog. Her recent book co-edited with Jo-sephine Beoku-Betts is titled Producing Inclusive Feminist Knowledge: Positionalities and Discourses in the Global South (Bingley: Emerald Publishing 2021). She co-produced the documentary When Women Speak with Kate Skinner (directed by Aseye Tamakloe, 2022) as part of a project titled, an “Archive of Activism: Gender and Public History in Postcolonial Ghana”. The goal of this project is to constitute a publicly accessible ar-chive of, and documentary on gender activism and “political women” in postcolonial Ghana. Adomako Ampofo’s work has been variously recognized and in 2010 she was awarded the Feminist Activism Award by Sociologists for Women and Society (SWS).
Chaired by Andreas Mehler, Arnold Bergstraesser Institute.
The Centre for African Studies Basel invites you for a drink at the end of the afternoon program. An opportunity to meet and greet and to team up for the evening program at the Jazzhaus Freiburg.
The Aperitif will be offered in the Prometheus Halle of the KGI.
The VAD members meeting is for VAD members only. The meeting will be held in German.
It takes place in the KG I building of the University of Freiburg, room 1199.
Die vorgeschlagene Tagesordnung lautet:
1. Begrüßung durch den Vorsitzenden
2. Wahl der Versammlungsleiterin/des Versammlungsleiters und Feststellung der Tagesordnung
3. Genehmigung des Protokolls der letzten Mitgliederversammlung vom 29.10.2020 via Zoom
4. Bericht des Vorstandes
5. a) Finanzbericht
b) Bericht des Kassenprüfers
6. Bericht Africa Spectrum
7. Satzungsänderung
8. VAD-Konferenz 2022: Stand der Dinge
9. VAD-Konferenz 2024 (Bewerber: Bayreuth)
10. Entlastung des Vorstands
11. Wahl des neuen Vorstands
12. Wahl des Hauptausschusses
13. Wahl der Kassenprüferin/des Kassenprüfers
14. Sonstiges
Jazznight with Kesivan Naidoo and the Swiss Jazz Orchestra
The conference participants are invited by the Centre for African Studies Basel, for a unique experience and premiere. The Swiss Jazz Orchestra presents the compositions of acclaimed South African drummer Kesivan Naidoo, the SJO will also feature Linda Sikhakhane (saxophone, Johannesburg).
The registration desk will be at the Eingangshalle of KG I (on the ground floor, directly to your right if you enter via the main entrance of KG I).
The NomadIT VAD2022 conference office is located in Room 1036, and will be staffed throughout the conference.
Words of welcome from Christoph Dahl, Managing Director, Baden-Württemberg Stiftung.
On Thursday, the foundation Baden-Württemberg Stiftung and some of its partners are offering a continuous programme with events of various formats: round tables, film screenings and music. Promoting young talent is one of the core goals of the BW Stiftung; the foundation is therefore supporting the reception on Thursday evening, which accompanies the presentation of the VAD Young Scholars Awards. Materials at the foundation's booth will provide general information about the scholarship programme Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM and project-based international university collaboration including the Regional Development Component that is designed particularly for students from African countries and from other countries in the Global South. The Baden-Württemberg Day expresses a joint interest of the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung and ACT: The ACT is not only a centre of the University of Freiburg; it contributes to the bundling and visibility of Africa-related research in Baden-Württemberg.
Welcoming address by Dr. Andreas Weber (Baden-Württemberg Stiftung) followed by open networking / topic tables.
Please note: this event addresses only BWS+ members.
Located in the Prometheushalle.
To watch on Zoom: MeetingID: 852 965 1647 Passcode: 654321.
After arriving in Germany on a six weeks scholarship visa, Abdul starts getting calls from his friends in Nigeria, reminding him of why he shouldn't come back home. Although he puts no thought to this, the calls and messages start getting frequent that it starts to disturb him. Two weeks to the end of his stay in Germany, he gets a call from his mum, telling him that his brother has been killed in the EndSARS protest in Nigeria. His heavyhearted mum breaks down on the phone, begging him never to come back home. Now he’s really scared of going back home.
He starts to see the event of the protest happening back in Nigeria online, he sees videos from the Lekki Massacre, horrendous and dreadful images and videos from the massacre, while also getting aggravated calls from friends who are asking what to do to leave the country and also telling him never to come back. He eventually loses his mental health and develops an irrational fear of going back home, Nostophobia. He becomes desperate and distressed that he would do anything to remain in Germany after running out of legal options. He orders a fake gun online, robs a cafe and forces the cashier to call the police. He is arrested and thrown into jail.
He narrates his experience to a therapist in jail, happy within that he gets to stay in Germany, even though it’s in a jail, but his hopes are quickly shattered when he’s given a document that sends him back to Nigeria to complete his jail term.
Year: 2021
Runtime: 13 min
Director: Samuel Adeoye
Script: Samuel Adeoye
Camera: Patrizio Guerra
Producer: Samuel Adeoye, Bathurshan Ganeshalingam
The story of an old man who is haunted by his abusive past and all the guilt that comes with it. This guilt is represented by the wife he abused, his younger self and the house they raised their son in. As he tries to forget his past, he is constantly brought back by his own guilt.
Year: 2021
Runtime: 17 min
Director: Thanky Hamutenya
Script: Thanky Hamutenya
Camera: Konstantin Pape
Editor: Chamika Wijamunige
Producer: Matrid Nyaga, Jana Klingeiesen, Felix Schreiber
Mungai, a 55 year-old Kenyan man who has been living in Germany for the past 20 years is on the brink of death, he starts reliving his younger days and through a sequence of dance and movements we get inside his head , in an almost dreamy and disillusioned manner he gets a visitation from his family in Kenya as they have a final ‘last supper’ together before he closes his eyes for the final time.
Year: 2020
Runtime: 10 min
Director: Karanja Daniel Ng'Endo
Script: Karanja Daniel Ng'Endo
Camera: Baljinnyam Altansukh
Producer: Philipp Hester, Jannik Graf
A Documentary about illegal gold business in West Africa. What does it mean for residents of a small town in Ghana to live on top of a huge gold deposit? As a young development worker the narrator experienced a gold rush in small town in Ghana. Years later he returns to investigate what the gold really means for residents of this town. On his journey he meets old friends, arrives at places of destruction and learns about a dangerous magnetism between people and gold. A bloody conflict broke out in town between local police and gold miners. Who are profiteers and who are victims in this hunt for glittering stones?
Year: 2017
Runtime: 28 min
Director: Johannes Preuss
Producer: Johannes Preuss
Camera: Johannes Preuss
Editor: Manuel Sosnowski
Location: Aula, KG I building, University of Freiburg
Introductory speech and moderation by Prof. Dr. Andreas Mehler, ACT
Welcoming address by Dr. Andreas Weber, Head of Education, Baden-Württemberg Stiftung
Award ceremony and laudatory speech
VAD awards 2020/2021:
1. Maurus, Sabrina: Battles over State Making on a Frontier: Dilemmas of Schooling, Young People and Agro-Pastoralism in Hamar, South West Ethiopia (Dissertation)
2. Paulau, Stanislau: Das andere Christentum. Zur transkonfessionellen Verflechtungsgeschichte von Äthiopischer Orthodoxie und europäischem Protestantismus (Dissertation)s
3. Šváblová, Alžběta: A Tourtuous Way Forward: Peacebuilding Process and Actor Interaction in Postwar Liberia (Dissertation)
VAD awards 2022:
1. Jeannot Moukouri Ekobe: Die (Re-)Imagination des Nationalen in Zeiten der Transformation. Eine afropäische ästhetische Intervention (Dissertation)
2. Anitha Tingira: Provision and Utilization of Maternal Health Services in Lalta Ward, Tanzania: Women’s and Health Workers’ Experiences (Dissertation)

Musical Performance by “Stolen Moments Namibia” and reception. Jackson Wahengo and the Stolen Moments present Namibian music treasures from the past.
Jackson Wahengo and the Stolen Moments are dedicated to Namibian pop music of the 50s to 80s, which was censored and made impossible during the apartheid era. Jackson Wahengo is a Namibian guitarist, singer and songwriter living in Copenhagen, the Stolen Moments Band consists of alumni of the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg. The project was developed within the framework of the
exhibition project Stolen Moments - Namibian Music History Untold.
Guitar and Vocals: Jackson Wahengo
Vocals : Anny Otoo
Keyboard : Andre Haaf
Saxophon : Manuel Paschmann
Bass: Alexander Broschek
Drums : Julius Oppermann
Mark Hernadi: Music Director
The registration desk will be at the Eingangshalle of KG I (on the ground floor, directly to your right if you enter via the main entrance of KG I).
The NomadIT VAD2022 conference office is located in Room 1036, and will be staffed throughout the conference.
Location: Room 1140
The VAD Committee "Sahel" was officially constituted in September 2020 to use Africanist research evidence to influence German Africa policy in the extremely critical situation facing countries of central Sahel - Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger.
The meeting is open to VAD members. It is held in German, unless participants decide otherwise.
- Begrüßung und Kurzinfo (Welcome and short info)
- Verständigung über Ziel(e) des Ausschusses (Agreement on current aims of the Committee)
- Einbindung von Partner* innen im Sahel (Cooperation with academic and civil society partners in the Sahel)
- Struktur und Arbeitsweise des Ausschusses (Structure and working mode)
- Geplante Aktivitäten und Publikation(en) (Planned activities and publications)
Location: Aula, KG I building, University of Freiburg
Africa Spectrum is a peer-reviewed open access journal dedicated to original research on the politics, societies, and economics of sub-Saharan Africa, both in contemporary and historical perspective. As a multidisciplinary journal committed to intellectual pluralism, Africa Spectrum welcomes submissions employing a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches from across the social sciences and humanities. Since 2003, the journal has collaborated closely with the African Studies Association in Germany (Vereinigung für Afrikawissenschaften in Deutschland, VAD). Learn more about the journal’s aims and scope, meet the editors, and discuss your ideas for articles, analytical reports, book reviews or special issues. We share insights and answer questions to help demystify the submission and review process.
Participants: Tim Glawion
Participants are welcome to bring along lunch and to move in and out of the meeting as they please.
Guided City Tour: Freiburg's (Post-)Colonial Entanglements
This guided city tour takes you
to different places in the city centre, which offer insights into
Freiburg's ties to colonial history. Participants learn about local
figures involved in the colonial movement, the role of science in racist
and colonial projects, and the ways in which Freiburg's cultural sphere
has been entangled with colonial ideologies.
The city tour is organised by freiburg-postkolonial.de and promoted by the iz3w.
Starting point: Platz der alten Synagoge.
The tour will be in English.
The tour will be followed by a guided transfer to the EWERK.
Afropean Future | How can we shape a common future? An evening with lecture, reading, film and roundtable (19:00, E-WERK Saal)
With Dr. Emily Ngubia Kessé, Dr. Sylvie Nantscha, Dr. Natascha A. Kelly, Johny Pitts, Jasmine Tutum moderated by Aisha Camara.
Voice is Vision Performance of Jasmine Tutum (21:00, E-WERK Saal)
In Voice is Vision Tutum explores the possibilities of visual poetry to create alternative visions of Blackness. She combines video installation, research, performance, poetry, spoken word and vocal experimentation to create room for transcultural identities spanning Africa, the Caribbean, Asia and Europe.
Jasmine Tutum is a performance artist and dub poet, born in Tokyo and grew up in Kingston, Jamaica, lives and works in Freiburg / Germany. Tutum studied art history and photography.
Guided City Tour: Freiburg's (Post-)Colonial Entanglements
guided city tour takes you to different places in the city centre,
which offer insights into Freiburg's ties to colonial history.
Participants learn about local figures involved in the colonial
movement, the role of science in racist and colonial projects, and the
ways in which Freiburg's cultural sphere has been entangled with
colonial ideologies.
The city tour is organised by freiburg-postkolonial.de and promoted by the iz3w.
Starting point: Platz der alten Synagoge.
The tour will be in English.
Organised by Freiburg Postcolonial.