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Accepted Paper:

Humanizing the climatic crisis: activism through showcasing the real climate change impacts in Kenya  
Peter Wangai (Kenyatta University) Eric Kioko (Kenyatta University)

Paper short abstract:

Climate change is sadly approached as a discourse rather than a reality that local communities must endure. This disconnect often contribute to less action with regard to support for adaptation and mitigation. The paper shows how real images of climate change in Kenya could be used to invoke action.

Paper long abstract:

The last few decades have witnessed numerous discussions and overwhelming literature on climate change. Despite this attention, climate change is still approached as a discourse rather than a reality that local communities are enduring. The disconnect between the discourse and the reality of climate change often contributes to less action with regard to adaptation and mitigation, particularly in the global south. This paper explores a new approach in activism, which is based on showcasing the real images of the impacts of climate change on local communities as a means to invoke global compassion and action. The paper utilizes visual methods, including videography and photovoice to present and discuss the experiences of the victims of climate change at the community level in Kenya. We argue that action on climate change can only come from "deep within" concerned actors.

Panel Clime02
Climate activism as a global paradigm: the participatory challenge of a vanguard movement
  Session 1 Friday 10 June, 2022, -