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Accepted Paper:
Paper short abstract:
This paper analyzes cultural policies of Argentina from 2003, studding continuity and change in seeking to define its character and particularities. We will describe how the Peronist concept of people coexist in tension with a multicultural approach at internal and regional levels of national cultural policy.
Paper long abstract:
After 2001 financial crack, Argentina developed deep social and institutional transformations. The elections of 2003, which gave the power to former President Nestor Kirchner were the beginning of a new period in country history. It has been characterized by the reconfiguration of political field, a significant change in economic policies and also the debate around national identity. In this regard, equally than in many countries of the region, as part of the "left shift" after neoliberal domination, cultural policies deepened and diversified. Also policies aimed to regional consensus in the defense of native heritage and as part of a particular an accent in popular culture were developed. However, the new public activity in the area has been characterized as of construction of hegemony in a Gramsci's sense, trough the promotion of allied artists, large events and the development of an own media apparatus. This paper analyzes this process studding continuity and change in Argentinian cultural policies seeking to define its character and particularities. We will describe how the Peronist concept of people coexist in tension with a multicultural approach at internal and regional levels of national cultural policy.
Argentina since the 2001 crisis: recovering the past, reclaiming the future
Session 1