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Accepted Paper:

(In)visibility of the homosexual social subject in Cuban queer exodus: the Mariel case.  
Raúl Marchena Magadán (University of Manchester)

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Paper short abstract:

This paper analyses the presence of the homosexual social subject during the near six month of the Mariel exodus through a comparative analysis of periodical printed material from Cuba and the US.

Paper long abstract:

The new ideal of the 1959 revolution in Cuba was for many a dream come true but for others, it represented the beginning of a long struggle. For the LGBT community the subsequent years will reflect the struggle Fidel foresaw in his first speech post revolution and that for many only left "exile" as an alternative to "come out" of a closet bigger than that of their sexuality. This paper aims to discuss and analyse the relationship between the Revolution and the LGBT community and its relevance for the emigration process in the post-59 Cuba taking as a point of analysis the six months of the Mariel exodus in 1980.

Panel P07
Mobility, migration and transformations in Latin America
  Session 1