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Accepted Paper:

Matters on audiovisual experiments in researches  
Lígia Dabul (Universidade Federal Fluminense)

Paper short abstract:

In this paper we wish to reflect upon common ways that Social Science have of conceiving and evaluating research-linked films, especially the ways which consider them as vehicles to present results and/or research data.

Paper long abstract:

Brazil is living an institutionalisation process where audiovisual subjects are becoming an area where Social Science reflects upon and a fertile knowledge production procedure, which contributes to disclose, stimulate and also regulate the audiovisual production related to researches. There are different ways of conceiving and evaluating films that were born as part of researches, and they coexist and act. Based on an experience of an audiovisual production linked to researches about art and social life, we wish to reflect upon some of these ways, such as the one that consider these audiovisual products as scientific communication tools, consequently to be treated and evaluated as vehicles to present results and/or research data. We would like to consider in what degree we can find only a restrict number of people who closely follow what is being researched and propounded concerning the subject about which the images and sounds were created, alongside an expectation (also from the creators) for a wide circulation and comprehension of these films. So, maybe the embed theory and the nature of data can only be minded and assessed by spectators who control the researches that exist on the subject of these films. We will consider other dimensions about the predominance of treating social scientists' films as scientific communication, as well as the fact that these audiovisual products do not usually register/communicate in what degree creating them interfered in the objectives of the researches within which they were created.

Panel P04
Fieldwork, art, science: issues on audio-visual based research
  Session 1