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Accepted Paper:

The re-configuration of racism and its narratives  
Gisela Carlos (Universidad Veracruzana)

Paper short abstract:

This debate focuses on how the concepts of whiteness and privilege are suffering reconfigurations. In order to do so, I will engage with task such as the historical concept of Mestizaje, the Abysmal Thought and the concept of Humanity.

Paper long abstract:

This debate focuses on how the concepts of whiteness and privilege are suffering reconfigurations owing to institutional discourses that might seem anti-racist or emancipatories. In order to do so, I will engage with task such as the historical concept of Mestizaje, its narratives of class, status and knowledge and subsequently its ideological implications as well; the Abysmal Thought of Boaventura de Sousa Santos where he sets the basis to understand the ways to manage certain practices such as racism: the consensus on one side, and the violence on the other side; and finally the concept of Humanity that is intrinsically related to Latin America -or the doubt about to be human being- worked by Gordon, Maldonado-Torres and Alejandro de Oto based on the Fanonian Philosophy from the Caribean thought. We will land on these three axes through some exemplifications of the mexican context and its education. That would be the core of this dialoge.


Whiteness, privilege, mestizaje, abysmal thought and humanity.

Panel P26
Racism and anti-racism in the Americas
  Session 1