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Accepted Contribution:
Language variety as means of indexing identity. Some thoughts on and comparisons between different Swedish varieties incl. skånska, samisk svenska, finlandssvenska and rinkebysvenska
Dorijan Hajdu
(University of Belgrade)
Contribution long abstract:
Language is one of the main pillars of identity. But as the society commonly consists of many micro spheres, the general (or standard) variety of L1 as an unbrella term is usually not specific enough to function as an identity marker inside said society and on everyday basis, and would in fact often be contrasted against for this reason in particular. One's own (micro)variety of the language is consequently used in order to transmit metalingual information on one's belonging within the society, contrasting with other groups (be it geographical, social, cultural etc), and indexing that particular group identity. This presentation/paper will - from a sociolinguistic and cultural perspective - explore the common use of a particular language variety in order to index the speaker's identity and group belonging, both in vernacular and in literature, comparing different varieties of Swedish - the varieties spoken in Scania, within the immigrant population, the Sami, and the Swedish speaking Finns, as well as some other languages and cultural surroundings to offer broader view and add contrast.
Unwriting practices of Sámi arts and artivism.
Roundtable: Writing, translating and unwriting in Sami languages
Session 1