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Accepted Contribution:
Cultural and linguistic heritage in Scotland
Sharon Macdonald
(Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Contribution short abstract:
This contribution will offer reflections on similarities and differences between the Catalan and Scottish situations, especially as regards independence debates, primarily by considering other panel contributions in light of the politics and practice of cultural and linguistic heritage in Scotland.
Contribution long abstract:
This contribution to the roundtable will act in part as a reflection on the other contributions, which are focused on Catalonia, by introducing a Scottish perspective and so opening up comparative discussion of the Catalan and Scottish situations. It will offer reflections on similarities and differences between the two, especially as regards independence debates, and the politics and practice of cultural and linguistic heritage in Scotland. This will include the more multiple linguistic heritage of Scotland, including Doric and Gaelic.
The anthropology of Catalan and Scottish popular culture and national politics
Session 1