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Accepted Paper:
Auto-Ethnography, a challenging path to walk
Peter Jan Margry
(University of Amsterdam Meertens Institute, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences)
Paper Short Abstract:
This paper deals with the problems and assets of auto-ethnography, based on the case of a Dutch heritage and research institution in the past.
Paper Abstract:
This paper addresses a real case from the past, in which a Dutch heritage and research institution was forced into a rapid, existential transition. The institution became threatened in its goals due to the unexpected misuse of a former auto-ethnography of the same institution. In the end the outcome of that process proved to be a blessing, bringing the institution in a much stronger position. As it happened, 25 years ago. The caveats and the advantages of the (ab)use of such a form of ethnography will be discussed.
Cultural institutions in transition: ethnographic contributions in developing spaces for imagining new perspectives
Session 1