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Accepted Paper:

Street Art as Ephemeral Memory Ma(r)kers in the Ever-Changing City  
Nicolas Le Bigre (Elphinstone Institute, University of Aberdeen)

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Paper Short Abstract:

Unofficial street art can appear seemingly anywhere/anytime, acting as ephemeral memory markers and makers. This paper will consider the art of Scotland’s streets, discussing documentary/archival methodologies, shifting popular narratives, and why some particular loci are hotspots.

Paper Abstract:

To passers-by, unofficial street art (including murals, graffiti, tags, stickers, and other public-facing interventions) can appear seemingly anywhere/anytime, becoming ephemeral memory markers and makers pointing to community and global tensions or individual and regional pride, and acting as political calls to action, aesthetic expressions, or humorous reminders of our humanity. While graffiti from the ancient world does exist, most street art seems to disappear days, weeks, or months after its creation. Though largely ephemeral, street art can and does contribute to collective historiographies, presenting in multi-sized formats condensed reflections of representations of contemporary society. This paper will consider the art of Scotland’s streets, discussing methodologies of documenting/archiving such ephemeral materials, as well as considering shifting official and unofficial narratives on street art, and why some areas may be particularly popular locations for street-level interventions.

Panel Urba03
Fluctuating narratives and unwritten stories: the ephemeral memory of the city
  Session 2