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Accepted Paper:

Mobility and insecure housing: Housing biographies in an urban segregated area   
Eszter Markó (Department of Ethnography - Cultural Anthropology, University of Pécs)

Paper Short Abstract:

Being in insecure house-ing processes can both mean being stuck or hypermobile - in the spatial sense. Biographies of people living in an urban segregated area in Pécs, Hungary, speak of abandonment, physical and emotional trauma, adaptation - trying to live, trying to make a home.

Paper Abstract:

Being in insecure house-ing processes can both mean being stuck or hypermobile - in the spatial sense. Biographies of people living in an urban segregated area in Pécs, Hungary, speak of abandonment, physical and emotional trauma, adaptation - trying to live, trying to make a home.

Who is stuck and who has achieved their goals in this social and physical space? What meanings do the actions or happenings of immobility and hypermobility include in relation with homemaking processes, abilities, and feelings of home? What values, (in)equalities or social relations are shown or confronted in an ethnically and socially diverse urban area when one moves there, stays there for a long time, or moves away (inside or outside the area)?

Based on current anthropological fieldwork and conducting biographical and house-ing story interviews I intend to speak about the unwritten homemaking processes of individuals and households in an insecure space, contextualised by biographies and house-ing/household stories, and local interpersonal relations and knowledges.

Panel Mobi03
Immobility in the era of hypermobility
  Session 1