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Accepted Paper:
Paper Short Abstract:
Drawing on collections of the Finnish Literature Society, I explore the agency and diversity of female hitchhikers. The diaries and an extensive ethnographic questionnaire material spanning eight decades provide a rich perspective on women’s resourcefulness and experiences on the road, challenging traditional stereotypes such as victimhood.
Paper Abstract:
As a largely undocumented social practice, public perceptions of hitchhiking have been heavily influenced by media portrayals and popular culture. These narratives have often portrayed female hitchhikers either as victims or as morally questionable, promiscuous women. Today, however, this image has largely been replaced by that of a thrill-seeking backpacker.
The extensive collection of hitchhiking narratives donated to the Finnish Literature Society (SKS) archives provides a much richer perspective on women’s experiences on the road. Drawing on material consisting of diaries and responses submitted to an ethnographic questionnaire conducted in 2020, I explore the agency of female hitchhikers spanning eight decades. Open road has offered women freedom of mobility but also many possibilities to test one’s abilities and finding one’s potential. The stories highlight remarkable resourcefulness. While these women encountered risks such as harassment or unsafe drivers, they also developed strategies to navigate dangers, learning from and mentoring fellow female hitchhikers.
This material highlights the significance of the archives in amplifying diverse voices. By capturing and preserving these recollections, the archives confront traditional stereotypes, including the perception of women as victims.
Unwritten female histories in the tradition archives [WG: Archives] [WG: Feminist Approaches]
Session 2