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Accepted Paper:

Dialectics of solidarity in protest research  
Olga Reznikova (University of Innsbruck)

Paper Short Abstract:

Based on a series of field situations in ethnographic research, the paper will discuss the chances and limits of a feminist and collaborative methodology in ethnography and ask to what extent the ethnography of the political right is possible at all.

Paper Abstract:

Using a dialectical understanding of solidarity, I will address the methodological challenges and opportunities in ethnographic research and raise the question of the particular character of the relationships between ethnographers and actors in field research. I also analyze empathy and solidarity both as an impossibility in research and as a constitutive part of research that uses relationships to analyze social conditions. The empirical ambivalence and ethical challenges will be discussed in relation to the conditions of knowledge production and epistemology.

The presentation will focus on the conditions of ethnographic knowledge production in which methods of collaboration, intervention and solidarity have become so crucial since the 1980s. Finally, I will consider how we face similar methodological and epistemological challenges in the question of ethnography of the labor strikes and the political right movement.

Panel Know17
Unwriting solidarity and rethinking responsibility in ethnographic research
  Session 1